2141 S Tamiami Trl. Venice FL 34293

Back To School… Be Prepared The RMA Way!

First, check out your school’s website! You’ll find information on school supplies and “Back to School Night.” Go to sarasotacountyschools.net click on your type of school (elementary, middle, high school), then click on your school’s name from the drop down list. Your school’s website will give you valuable information to get prepared for the 2016-2017 school year!

Second, keep training and get a head start above your peers! Taekwondo will enhance mental discipline, increase knowledge, and self-control. School requires concentration for homework, bell work, and projects.  aekwondo teaches concentration on the objective and to block out irrelevant or disruptive perceptions. So, keep training the RMA way and be ahead above the rest this school year!

Master Buck

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…to a blossoming, brave young man.

Connor Lewis has made remarkable improvements in the past 3 years that he has been working with Master Buck at Revolutionary Arts & Fitness. He has progressed from being a timid little boy afraid of the dark, showering, and afraid of dogs to a blossoming, brave young man. He worked hard at earning his blue… Read more “…to a blossoming, brave young man.”

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